You love your dog, and are a responsible pet owner, supplying good food and water, regular health checkups, typical vaccinations and parasite control treatments as part of the usual health program for your pet. But, you should still not be surprised if your pet becomes ill. Dogs can contract illnesses that can be very mild, all the way to very severe and life threatening, even in the midst of excellent care.

If you are wondering, here are some signs that things may be awry and you may need to get into the veterinarian. Sometimes it is a simple as a gut feeling that your dog isn’t looking himself that tells you things are not quite right.


Your dog will likely vomit for no concerning reason most times but is a level at which it becomes a concern. For the most part, he may be throwing up something that doesn’t agree with him, whether it be something he found outside or something he was fed. Dogs will routinely eat grass which generally makes them vomit, but is reported to assist them with digestive issues or settling an upset tummy. If you dog ate something he shouldn’t, he will most likely throw it all up in a fairly short time, though it may be a couple instances to clear it all out.

Generally, if this is the case, you will notice that he returns to his usual self shortly. The time to be concerned is if it goes on more than a day or two. Keep an eye out for the additional symptoms of diarrhea, change in activity level, less interest in food, blood in what was thrown up, or an increased need to pee. Contact your vet if any of these accompany the vomiting, or if it goes on for more than a day or two.

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