Cats are generally fairly placid pets, easy going, affectionate, entertaining and simple to care for. However, there are some things that you may do (or not do) that can really tick them off. Some things just really don’t make your cat very happy, and it is likely that you want to avoid these things with your feline companion.

4Strange cats

Cats tend to be territorial, and this is just part of their nature. They don’t have the same needs for companionship that dogs do, and generally prefer to be on their own in the household. To a cat, another cat is there to eat its food, play with its toys, and get all the love and attention that the cat does not want to share. You may find that you can have more than one cat in a household and they will do just fine, but likely one or the other will be the “boss cat”. Familiar cats as housemates tend to get along well, but introducing a new cat can be a loud affair.

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