
Did you know that your dog has a super duper skill? He can take smells on the air that we don’t even notice, and learn amazing details from what is in the air. He can tell you so much about what is around you, because his nose was made to help him hunt and survive.  Our dogs no longer have to use their scent skills to survive, but they still have it and they cannot turn them off. Give him a chance to use this special skill of his to enhance his life and reduce his boredom with our poor responses to smells.

3The Sand Trap Game

Does your dog love to dig? Put that energy to use and engage his instincts! Give him a spot where it is okay for him to dig, rather than just trying to get him from digging altogether. If you give him his own sandbox and give him a reason to dig, you might just save your landscaping! Teach him to search for things in his own sandbox by first placing a treat on top of the soil, let him enjoy it, and then place one a bit below the surface. You can over time place them deeper and deeper, encouraging his digging instinct and allowing him to seek out the treats by scent. Engage his senses and you will engage his full mind and allow him a bit of the hunt that our modern dogs miss out on.

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